
If you have a loved one struggling with substance abuse, a drug intervention may be what’s needed to finally get them to seek help. Here are seven key tips to ensure you have a successful drug intervention:

Educate yourself

Before planning an intervention, take the time to educate yourself on different aspects of addiction including its causes, symptoms, and treatment options. This will allow you to approach the intervention with confidence, empathy, and a realistic perspective.

Plan carefully

Plan the intervention carefully, taking into account your loved one’s personality, preferences, and needs. Choose a time when they’re comfortable, free, and open to communication. Try as much as possible to avoid situations that may trigger defensiveness or hostility. If possible, involve other supportive family members and friends in the planning process to ensure a united front.

Seek professional guidance

Consider seeking guidance from a qualified intervention specialist or addiction counselor who can provide expertise and support throughout the process. A professional can also help you plan and facilitate the intervention, manage potential challenges as well as ensure that it’s conducted safely and effectively.

Have empathy and understanding

Approach your loved one with empathy and understanding, reminding yourself that addiction is an illness and not a character flaw. Express concern for their well-being without being judgmental or critical and avoid blaming the individual as this may only worsen their feelings of guilt and shame.

Remain focused on the goal

During the intervention, avoid getting sidetracked by excuses, arguments, or past grievances. Instead, stay focused on the goal of motivating your loved one to seek help for their addiction. Keep the conversation centered on the impact of addiction on their life and relationships and why it’s important to seek treatment.

Offer support and resources

To help your loved one make informed decisions, provide them with resources about different treatment options including detox programs, rehab centers, and support groups. Offer to help them research treatment facilities and make arrangements for admission if necessary. Reassure them that they are not alone and that there is help available to support them on their journey to recovery.

Follow up and provide continued support

Your job is not done after the intervention. Offer ongoing support and encouragement by staying engaged in their recovery process, attending therapy sessions or support group meetings with them and celebrating their progress and milestones. Remind yourself that recovery is a lifelong journey and you’ll require patience, understanding, dedication, and perseverance to see things through.

We Can Help

Pulling off a successful drug intervention requires professional help and we at the Impact Wellness Network are ready to provide it. We have trusted addiction treatment centers in the Midwest, staffed with qualified and experienced professionals who can help you choose the right approach for your loved one. We also offer a full continuum of care from detox to aftercare to ensure our clients receive the best support for lasting sobriety.

Give us a call today we’ll be glad to assist you in any way we can. 

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