
Trauma Treatment At Our Addiction Rehab

Impact Wellness Network: Evidence-Based Trauma Treatment for Sustainable Recovery and Wellness

At Impact Wellness Network, we provide tailored treatment plans that incorporate evidence-based methodologies to help individuals process and overcome their trauma. We recognize that confronting both addiction and trauma is essential to achieving lasting recovery and overall well-being. Our trauma treatment services aim to cultivate a safe and supportive space where individuals can find hope and healing.

Drug Detox Centers In The Midwest
Drug Detox Centers In The Midwest
Drug Detox Centers In The Midwest

Understand Trauma and Addiction

Trauma: An Introduction and Overview

Trauma can occur when an individual experiences a threatening, stressful, or distressing event. It can have a significant impact on a person’s health and ability to function day-to-day. Trauma can lead to changes in the brain’s functioning, leaving a person in a constant state of “fight or flight” response. If left untreated, it can lead to negative thoughts and the development of mental health concerns such as Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Types of Trauma

There are three types of trauma: acute, chronic, and complex. Acute trauma refers to a single, isolated event, while chronic trauma refers to long-term exposure to trauma, such as abuse and domestic violence. Complex trauma occurs when a person experiences several intense traumas.

Symptoms of Trauma

After experiencing trauma, one can experience a range of symptoms, including flashbacks, nightmares, insomnia, and irritability. These symptoms vary from person to person.

Childhood Trauma

A child can experience at least one traumatic event by the age of 16. Childhood trauma can lead to long-term health concerns, learning difficulties, mental health concerns, and involvement with the juvenile system.

Trauma and Substance Abuse

Individuals with a history of trauma are at a higher risk of substance abuse. Drugs and alcohol can be used to cope with trauma symptoms. However, they do not help with the healing process.

Language and Trauma

It is important to be mindful of the language used when speaking about trauma. Any form of trauma is still trauma. Some individuals who experience trauma may withdraw from social experiences and not talk about their struggles. Being aware of the language used can help avoid causing any unintended invalidation of a person’s feelings and experiences.

Therapy for Trauma and Addiction: Benefits of a Trauma Program

Trauma therapy offers several benefits, such as correcting the altered brain functions caused by trauma. This type of therapy works by teaching healthy coping skills that can help you manage the “fight-or-flight” response that is often triggered by trauma.

A crucial element of trauma therapy is validating your experience and making you feel heard. During your counseling sessions, your therapist will focus on your needs, and you can be open without worrying about being judged.

Trauma survivors often grapple with feelings of shame and self-blame. Trauma therapy can help address these emotions and prevent them from leading to low self-esteem and self-worth.

The ultimate goal of trauma therapy is to promote healing and help you regain trust in yourself and the world around you. Your therapist will work to establish a trustworthy relationship that is built on empathy, compassion, and patience. They understand that healing from trauma takes time, and you can rely on their support as you work towards your recovery.


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Our Modern Facilities Have Everything You Need.

Impact Wellness Network has centers across the United States. Our residential facilities are crafted to provide high-quality, evidence-based programs with modern amenities. Impact Wellness Network serves as a comprehensive destination for sustainable addiction recovery. Find hope within IWN.


On-Site Client Salon & Spa​

Semi-Private Rooms​

Flat Screen TVs in Every Room​

Client Lounge & Library​

24/7 Cafeteria & Nutritious Meals​

Wellness Activities

Understanding Trauma Therapy

A Comprehensive Guide to Trauma Therapy

Mental health professionals employ a variety of therapies to assist individuals who have experienced trauma. Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EDMR) are the three primary approaches to trauma therapy. Each therapy has its unique characteristics and benefits.

  • Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

TFCBT is an effective therapy for individuals of all ages who struggle with trauma. It involves identifying and addressing negative thoughts that are linked to the traumatic experience. The therapist works closely with the patient to cultivate healthy coping mechanisms and shift negative thoughts to positive ones.

  • Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

In psychodynamic psychotherapy, patients are encouraged to openly express their trauma and thoughts to their therapist. The therapy aims to uncover and address unconscious thoughts that may contribute to conflicts.

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EDMR)

EDMR is a therapy designed to help trauma survivors process their experiences in a healthy manner. Studies show that EDMR can be effective even before other therapy options. The therapy follows a two-part process. In the first part, the patient talks while the therapist provides an external stimulus like eye movements or hand tapping. In the second part, the patient focuses on an aspect of their story while following the therapist’s external stimuli. The goal of EDMR is to aid patients in recognizing their strengths and shifting their perspective towards a more positive outlook.

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Findlay Recovery Center
Findlay Recovery Center

Our Locations

Top-Rated Addiction Treatment Centers


Locations - Midwest Addiction Rehab Centers

Findlay Recovery Center

Located in the heart of Findlay, Ohio, the Findlay Recovery Center is a leading addiction treatment facility that has been providing comprehensive care and support to individuals struggling with addiction for over a decade. We handcraft individualized treatment plans for each client to maintain sobriety for a lifetime. Find lasting, sustainable recovery from drug & alcohol abuse at our top-rated Ohio rehab center.

Robert Alexander Center - Midwest Rehab

Robert Alexander Center For Recovery

The Robert Alexander Center for Recovery is a drug & alcohol rehab program in Kentucky that offers an evidence-based, personalized, and supportive treatment to each and every client that comes through our doors. Our focus is on the individual. We craft unique treatment plans for each client to ensure long-term success in recovery from substance abuse. 

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Grand Falls Center For Recovery

Grand Falls Treatment Center is located in Grand Falls, Missiouri. We offer a one-of-a-kind addiction treatment experience, rooted in an evidence-based, client-focused approach. We combine detox services with psychological therapy and support to give patients the comprehensive support they need to overcome their addiction. This evidence-based treatment program helps people rebuild their lives.

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Impact Outpatient Program

Impact Outpatient Program is here to help you heal from the disease of addiction at our outpatient treatment center. Impact IOP is located just minutes from Louisville, Kentucky, in the heart of Mount Washington. We use evidence based treatment for individualized treatment plans for each client. Find hope of a life worth living with Impact Outpatient Program.

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Evolve Indy

Evolve Indy is not your typical addiction treatment provider in Indiana. We began with a single mission: to help those struggling with substance abuse, regardless of their situation. Our treatment program provides expert-level therapy with modern and traditional methods in order to effectively treat the root causes of addiction.

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Arrowwood ATC

Arrowwood Addiction Treatment Center in Virginia treats addiction with compassionate care and an evidence-based approach that is tailored to fit each individual’s unique needs. We believe that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to addiction recovery. This is why we prioritize personalization in crafting treatment plans for our clients.

Discover Compassionate Treatment at Our Trauma Center

Finding Hope & Help With Impact Wellness Network

Impact Wellness Network is a renowned addiction treatment facility that has recently undergone renovations to create a comfortable space that prioritizes your well-being. Our commitment to personalized treatment plans and high-quality care sets us apart.

Upon arrival, our team will take the time to listen to your story and assess which program would be most effective for your needs. Our addiction treatment options are extensive, and we offer specialized programs that address various concerns.

Our team is highly trained and attentive to your medical needs, particularly during the detox process, which can be challenging. We place a strong emphasis on compassionate care to make this process as comfortable as possible.

Our Residential Treatment Program is tailored to your unique needs, including mental health concerns. Inpatient programs are best suited for individuals struggling with severe substance abuse or those who have experienced relapses.

At Impact Wellness Network, we provide a safe and supportive environment for everyone. We understand the difficulties of seeking recovery and mental health treatment and will provide unwavering support throughout your journey. Our team is qualified and experienced in treating a variety of mental health concerns, including trauma, depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. Emotional support is always available at our treatment center.

If you, or someone you know, are struggling with addiction and mental health concerns, please contact Impact Wellness Network. Our staff is available to address any questions you may have about our programs and treatment options.

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Find hope for a better life at one of our drug and alcohol rehab facilities. Contact us today to find out what we can do to help you or a loved one live a full life free from addiction.

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